Wednesday 29 February 2012

Lighting Problems - Jack

You can see in this picture that the lighting was working perfectly fine and is creating the illusion that the plane is up in the sky:

However, unfortunately one of our lights ran out of power and therefore we lost the illusion that the plane was in the sky and it is showing that the plane is just on the ground. Here is where this became apparent:

To overcome this error we will be creating a mask around the window showing the outside, to illuminate the window to create the illusion and overcome the continuity and realism errors. 
This will be done in Adobe After Effects by first of all creating an adjustment layer and applying it with a white-ish glow. A mask will then be created over the window and this adjustment layer will be applied. The mask will then have to be motion tracked to the window due to the movement of the character. However, there is only subtle movement so this should not be too difficult. 

1 comment:

  1. Ok Jack dont worry to much about it speak to Andy and we might be able to sort it in After Effects. If its masked then we should be able to put the sky in. Remind me as one of the students got a plug in for motion tracking which makes life far easier
