Monday 20 February 2012

Lighting decisions - Jack

This is a rough edit of our scene that we filmed in the hospital which will be used for the second scene in our opening.
We decided that we wanted to create a very dark atmosphere to add to the anxiousness of the scene. Therefore in the hospital we turned all of the lights off and just used one main spotlight to illuminate the subject. The spotlight was above the subject however pointed down towards the subject's left-hand side of the face. This as a result created shadows which gave it a darker atmosphere and therefore made the audience focus and notice the fear on the protagonist's face, allowing proximity to emotions and additional tension to be built.

In our first scene (plane crash scene) there is only natural lighting used, however we used three LED lights which were placed outside of the plane and shone into the window where the two main character's are sitting. By doing this it creating a strong white glow at the window of the plane and creating the illusion that the plane is actually flying in the sky.

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