Thursday 2 February 2012

Harrison's Idea

As we have already come up with the main film idea, i have decided to think of possible back up opnenings we could film if our first idea isnt possible.

The idea is very simple, it will be much more achievable then our first idea, and easy to film.
It will start of with a character sitting on a bench (preferably on a dark and wet night, but not rainy) most of the shots will be taken from behind the character, with very slow edits used. The character will be smoking and seem to be very calm with minimal movement. We will also use focus pulls from the character to the road with cars driving past, with these sound effects hightened.

After about 20 or so seconds, another character will walk inront of the camera, placed behind the bench looking at the first character, and then the second character will stand infront of the bench to acknowledge the other character. Another way we could film this to exaggerate it is to film the second character approaching the bench as a POV shot, and then as he gets nearer the first character it will cut to a mediam two shot. The two men(probably played by me and max, but all three of us would feature) will look at each over for a few seconds, and then stand up and walk away the same way the second character entered the shot.

The two men will find themselves outside a house dressed in black, with their faces covered, so the exact identity of these men is not yet known. They will suspeicously enter the house by breaking into the front door, the shots used here will be mostly close ups and shallow depth of fields. The men will be filmed looking around down stairs with flash lights, before eventually walking upstairs. The camera will be placed on the top floor as they are walking from below, with the sounds of their footsteps exxagerated, until they appear coming up the stairs. The two men will then finaly open a bedroom door, shine their flash light in the same position (at this point there will be a sound of bedsheets moving). Then the men will turn on the light, and walk into the camera for a transition. Then the title of the film will appear.

Obviosly as this is just a back up idea it is not in full detaile, as this could be discussed later if need be



  1. This could work Harrison but a little complicated. Is it really a thriller? What questions are raised by this?

    1. The idea was too raise suspsusion as to who the men kidnanapping are, and why. The inspiration for this idea was taken from opening of The dissapearance of Alice Creed, and the Book, In Cold Blood.
