Friday 27 January 2012

Sixth Sense - Max

The shot is of an unknown light, in the dark, which is quite a spooky thing to look at. The audience do not yet know what it is exactly that they are looking at.

The soundtrack is quite tense and scary, but as the light gets brighter, the soundtrack gets quieter. I assume at this point that the sound is non-diegetic as the audience have not seen any sort of music player as of yet.

The editing used, is either a light that is being gradually turned brighter, or that they are using a fade which gives the impression that the light is gradually becoming lighter.

It is then revealed to the audience that the unknown light is in fact a light bulb, although it does look very aged, which adds to the quite eerie effect that the music and darkness have already constructed.

By now the sound is almost too quiet to hear, and has left the audience watching on in silence, this makes the audience think that perhaps something is going to happen; although as to what that will be, the audience cannot be sure, which then makes the audience quite tense as they are waiting for something to happen.

The effect of the lightbulb slowly getting brighter has been used as a transition from the credit sequence.

This shot establishes the location, which turns out to be a rather creepy looking wine cellar, and there is a lone woman standing in the room, looking for something. The woman is well dressed and very pretty, which gives the impression wealth.

The placement of the camera, makes it look as if it is a P.O.V shot, which suggests that the audience may be looking through the eyes of someone who is hiding in the cellar, which adds a huge deal of suspense.

The cellar is very dimly lit, casting many shadows around the room, making it seem very sinister and eerie, which adds even more suspense to the scene.

In this shot we get a closer look at the woman, this shows the audience that she is wearing quite a lot f make up, which could suggest that she cares about her appearance and could be quite vain, or that it could be a special occasion and that also goes with the fact that she is very well dressed.

The closeness of her to the camera also makes the audience doubt that this is meant to be a P.O.V shot, but instead of lowering the amount of suspense in the scene, it then brings attention to the shadows behind the woman, and makes the audience wonder if anything menacing is hiding in the shadows.

The soundtrack has completely stopped by this point, so the audience is left in complete silence, except for the diegetic sounds of the woman looking through bottles, this creates quite an eerie silence, as the audience is still expecting something to happen.

Just before this shot the woman hears something and turns around. Then in this shot we see that the moonlight coming in through a window has cast a silhouette of the woman on the wall next to her, this gives the impression that she is not alone.

By this point the audience are certain that something bad is going to happen, seeing as the woman has just heard a noise, and she is in a dark cellar, by herself.

Due to their being a lack of activity in this shot, there is not even any diegetic sound in this shot, so it is filmed in complete silence, which adds a very sinister and suspenseful effect to this shot.

This shot shows the woman's feet as she runs up the stairs, not only does this give us a view of her footwear (very impractical high heeled shoes), this also gives us another good look at the cellar; which reveals that it is a very old cellar, which adds further eerieness to the scene.

The diegetic sound in this shot also reinforce the fact that this is an old cellar, because as you hear her footsteps, as she ascends the stairs; you hear a clacking noise of heels on stone, rather than the creaking noise you would hear, if these steps were a more modern wooden build.

The camera placement allows us to see that the woman is running up the stairs at some pace, which suggests that maybe the woman is scared, and wants to get out of the cellar as fast as possible. Although looking at her footwear, the audience expects her to trip, which adds suspense, as the audience wonders what would happen if she did trip.

Overall I think that this scene relies on the silence, to create an eerie atmosphere and suspense. Also the lighting helps to cast shadows around the cellar which gives it a very mysterious and ominous look.

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