Thursday 26 January 2012

Research - 'The Dark Knight' - Jack

Mise En Scene:

  • Lower key of lighting and colour when shown the scenes of the masked men trying to break into where the money is - this emphasises that what they're doing is erroneous, giving the scene more of a suspicious feeling.This therefore means that this is parallel to their actions. 

  • Establishing shot of a familiar city - possibly New York? This adds elements of realism as we can relate to these places, and with a bank robbery taken place this adds even more shock and anticipation to the viewer.

  • Echo when window smashes - suggests that they're very high up, in a large area.
  • The bank manager already has a gun - could possibly mean that be was prepared for this to happen. Also does not have much fear and is able to fight back - proving he is strong and could he possibly be the main character as the 'good guy'?
  • Character's are not introduced - their faces are not shown. This creates many enigma codes such as 'Why are they wearing clown masks?', 'Why are they robbing the bank?', 'Who are they?'
Camera work:
  • Shallow depth of field used - to keep focus on the main subject chosen. Mostly on the faces of the masked men - shows that they are very important for the narrative. As focus is gained on the masked characters, this will make the audience think "Are they something to do with the 'Joker'?" or "Why do they all look the same?"

  • Shot showing the drop from the top of the building makes the audience feel uneasy, as it is showing that what the masked men are doing is very dangerous, and that they are at risk.  
  • Close-ups of the masks - shown to take in the details what the masks looks like. Could raise questions as to why each of them look different. Does it reflect what role they have?
  • Extreme long shot when in bank - shows what each of the masked men are doing - it shows them straight away going into different positions and doing their job. This is proving that this have been thoroughly thought-out and prepared.  


  •  Discontinuity  - this is splitting up the different parts of the narrative. This is giving us a sense of time and is showing us that the scenes are happening at the same time. 
Here is a sequence of when this is apparent:


  • Gains a faster pace as the action starts happening - this adds to the intensity of the scene.
  • Diagetic sound emphasised - adds to the intensity of the scene. 
  • Parallel sound - Adds to the build and to the climax, as the sound builds up, just as the action does - creating suspense and tension for the spectator. 

1 comment:

  1. Good use of comparative images. You could annotate them a little more with arrows etc just to highlight your points. Again think about questions raised in the audience. Good work Jack
