Tuesday 31 January 2012

Harrison - Green street, Shaun of the Dead, Rock n Rolla.

Green Street

Camera Movement

First three shots set the scene of the opening to the film, shot one is a slightly blurred shot of the train station, the second shot is a clear long shot of the station, and the third shot jumps to the stairs leading onto the platform. The shots have been laid out like this as they match the diabetic sound of fans chanting, each shot we see the chanting gets louder and closer. Therefore these shots represent the football hooligans getting closer to the platform.

This long shot establishes the roles of these
characters,the divide in the group shows us
which of these man is influential in the film.
As a result the audience is lead to believe that
the two men at the front of the group are
likely to be the main characters.

he camera movement in this part of the opening scene is very shaky, and also sort of a point of view type of movement. This technique has been used to show the chaos and confusion amongst the violence.

Mis en scene

This shot shows an empty coke can left on the floor of a train station, this has significance in showing the audience what type of place this is. A dirty train station at night suggests we are in a lower class area, and stereo-typically suggests violence.

This shot of the opposing group of men shows very clearly what class they are likely to be from due too their hats, usually seen worn by lower class kids on an estate, and their clothing. The clothes these men are wearing aren't visibly branded, suggesting there not expensive clothes, this leads the viewers to believe that these men aren't 'pretty boys' who care about their appearance, more manly men you would find at a urban pub.


The editing in the fight scene quickens to add pace to the film, and some cuts are so quick that you barely have time to adjust to what is happening in the scene, this effect adds confusion to the fight as well as gives you a feeling of being there due to the mayhem represented by the editing.

Shaun of the dead

Camera movement

The camera is constantly panning through different setting in the opening scene, and moving very slowly, this combined with the emotionless actions from the characters involved, establishes that this film is humerus. Although there is no communication or any obvious joke, the speed at which this is filmed along with the acting hints that this is too be a comedy.

This long shot shows us a group of people acting in sync with each other, bopping their heads in a sequence and walking slowly towards the camera. The tittle of the film is used here to as a slight joke, taking the 'mic' out of young hooligans, suggesting that their lifeless and pretty dull naturally.

Mis en scene

This shot shows us the two main characters, but the crops used in this shot tells the audience a lot about their lifestyle. The two characters are surrounded by mess, mostly beers and crisps, two manly things, but it also suggests that this isn't a particularly serious film.

The street fences, paper on the ground and fast food stop in this shot suggests the film is based in an urban location like a big town or city.


Each edit in this opening sequence is very slow, there are only seven cuts in the whole piece. Furthermore each edit is cleverly faded to suggest a link between each area shown. The slow edits again show that this is a comedy, as in your typical zombie thriller you'd have a series of fast edits to create suspense.


The soundtrack to the whole opening piece is very contrapuntal with the tittle of the film, yet parallel with the opening sequence. The reason for this is because the soundtrack is light hearted and fits in with the comical nature of characters, but it does not fit into a normal zombie film.

Rock n Rolla

Camera and Sound

The film opens with a fade, starting dark and gradually lighting up. The camera dolly's forward onto the back of a male character. The whole pace of this clip is very slow with the camera moving at a steady pace, this adds the sense of a gloomy room and suspicion to the character. The audience are left in know wondering who is this man and how is he important. In addition the dietetic sound is very up beat, but very simple, and sounds like the type of music you would expect to hear in a typical British Gangster film. Therefore it is parallel to the films genre.

Mis en Scene

The Mis en scene used in the opening tells the viewers just about all they need to know about this character. His room is a complete mess, it looks like a room from a horror movie. There are curtains and cloths covering any light source which indicates this man has secluded himself from the outside world, also the table full of empty beer and pill bottles suggests he probably has some very extreme mentle problems.


The opening is very short, and very slow passed, this is demonstrated by the fact that there is only one edit in the entire forty second scene. This adds to the suspense surrounding the character.


  1. Harrison
    Very poor only three and very limited text. This is GCSE standard. Very disappointing far more work required. I recommend you re do these. This is why you need to take notes in lessons so you can refer to them to help with your homework. L1

  2. Harrison you are now starting to lose planning and research marks I suggest you post your work asap
