Sunday 11 December 2011

The Shot/Reverse Shot!

With the use of the 180 degree rule, the shot/reverse shot is an editing technique that is also mostly used in dialogue between two characters. Over-the-sholder shots are also very apparent within the shot/reverse shot, as well as also being linked with the equally persuasive eye-line matches.
One character is shown looking (usually off-screen) in which the viewer interprets the character to be looking at the other character. There is then a cut to a shot with the other character shown looking back at the first character. As a result of the characters being shown looking in opposite directions, the viewer therefore assumes that they're looking at each other.

Here is an example of a shot reverse shot:

As you can see, the characters are looking in opposite directions which makes the viewer know that they're looking at each other. With this specific example, it is very easy for the viewer to interpret that they are looking at each other, as over the shoulder shots have been used to prove the characters existence in the scene.

1 comment:

  1. I will now be supervising your group so make sure everything is blogged as this is valuable evidence of research and planning. Check the blog and make sure all discussions cast props and timetabling for filming. Make sure you are filming this week so you can edit when we get back. You need to move some of your blog elements around so we can navigate the site
